David Webster: more figures on sanctions

David has released his latest briefing on sanctions, which you can obtain here (a 1,6Mb download).  He summarises the main points as follows:

“There are no statistics yet on mandatory reconsiderations, which were introduced on 28 October 2014, and this has affected some of the figures. However the main message is that JSA sanctions appear to have stabilised at the unprecedentedly high levels of over 7% of claimants per month before reconsiderations and appeals, and over 6% per month after, which were reached in mid-2013. ESA sanctions have continued their rapid escalation which started in mid-2013, reaching an estimated 1.58% of claimants before reconsiderations and appeals, and 1.37% after, in March 2014.”

The main reasons for being sanctioned are not actively seeking work (mainly, not complying with directions) and failure to participate in a training or employment programme (e.g. missing an interview).



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