Universal Credit implementation

The BBC reports this morning that it has been able to view evidence about growing concern on Universal Credit. That should not be surprising, because the evidence to the Work and Pension Committee is public: it is available here.

There are valuable comments on the process of implementation from UNISON, South Lanarkshire Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council. The Institute of Chartered Accountants also makes an important point I have to admit I’d not much thought about before – the situation of self-employed people, small businesses and independent workers means they will have to return their books monthly when currently many struggle to do it annually.

Much of the evidence consists of apprehension either about principles or about elements of the scheme which have not been settled. There is a growing sense, beyond that, that the problems that have to be resolved cannot be tackled in the time-scale that is planned, and that we are heading for a crash.

Assessing PIP

The DWP has announced that two firms will be contracted to deliver the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment. They are Atos, who will cover Scotland, North East, North West, London and Southern England, and Capita, who will cover Wales and Central England. Atos’s appointment will be particularly controversial, but it is difficult to see who else has the capacity to deliver what the government is asking for.

Computer Weekly is not part of my usual reading, but their coverage has been exemplary: click here to find the articles. From them I read that the ATOS contract is worth £400m, and the Capita contract £140m; there is another contract still to be decided.

From the 2012 Budget documents, we know that what the government hopes to save from reforming DLA is zero this year, £355m in 2013-14, £1055m in 2014-15 and £1415m in 2015-16. In other words, the contracts are larger than the early savings. I suggested in this blog on April 20th that the proposed reforms were not likely to deliver the savings that the government wanted. If I’m right about that, this process could end up costing the government a large part of what it saves.

Changing the CPI

This may be one of the most obscure technical points I ever mention in this blog. The Office for National Statistics is consulting on a new version of the Consumer Price Index – the document is here. The CPIH will be intended to take housing inflation into account. That does not have any direct implications for policy, but indirectly it seems more than possible that those elements of the CPI which are used to reflect housing issues will ultimately be geared to CPIH rather than the existing CPI. And that matters because benefits, pensions and other issues are being uprated according to the CPI, which does not currently take housing into account, rather than the Retail Price Index, which does. It was recently announced, for example, that the Local Housing Allowance – the local limit on Housing Benefit – will be uprated according to the CPI. There will be a strong argument for moving this to the new CPIH.

The calculation of the new CPIH is not, however, going to reflect what people actually pay for housing. The consultation proposes to take into account the imputed rent of owner-occupiers, measured in an unrepeatably obscure way by drawing parallels with private rental values. This method is called “rental equivalence”. The concept was used long ago for taxation, and it suffered then from an obvious problem – information about rental values is hard to come by, and what we have is dominated by the social rented sector. I can’t tell as things stand whether this will lead to a higher or lower rating for the CPI. However, it does seem undesirable to produce figures that will influence benefit levels by jiggery-pokery, rather than straightforwardly measuring what people actually spend.

Submission to the Social Security Advisory Committee

The Social Security Advisory Committee has invited comments about the new draft regulations, with a deadline of 27th July. Details of the consultation are here. My submission is available here.

These are the main points I have raised:

  • Couples. There are gaps in the definitions which require filling, including specification of relationships and identification of transitions.
  • Periodicity. The frequent references to days and weeks, e.g. in qualifying conditions, work requirements and sanctions, need to be reviewed to be consistent with monthly operation
  • Discretion. Wherever discretion is to be exercised, there need to be appropriate mechanisms for review and redress.
  • Sickness while unemployed. The allowance made for everyday sickness – that is, periods of sickness that do not amount to “limited capacity for work” – is too low.
  • Limited capacity for work related activity. We are still waiting for regulations that might clarify how this is defined.
  • Work search. The proposed requirement to engage in work search for 35 hours each week is not meaningfully related to the process of job-seeking and inconsistent with effective administration.
  • Contributory benefits. Regulations governing contributory entitlements need to be reviewed for consistency with the new mode of operation – filling gaps, reviewing periods and making consistent requirements.

Statistics on take-up

The DWP is running a consultation about a proposal to stop publishing statistics about the take-up of income-tested benefits. I have responded to the consultation in these terms.

1. Do you use information from Income-related Benefits: Estimates of Take-up?

Yes. My book, How social security works (Policy Press, 2011), has a discussion of issues around takeup in chapter 13, and this series is part of that discussion.

2. What would be the effect of not having this information?

This information matters. First, it provides evidence on some of the key dynamics in the process of claiming. The knowledge, experience and understanding of those involved in benefits administration and advice depends on the quality of information which is produced. For example, the practice of the administration of Pensions Credit has been based in large part on the previous learning about claiming behaviour, rather than specific findings about Pensions Credit itself.

Second, takeup is one of the principal tests of effectiveness and efficiency. For example, if we do not know how Universal Credit take-up compares to that of earlier benefits, we will not know if Universal Credit is achieving its aims.

Third, takeup is also an indicator of effective demand. The responses to the previous consultation identified the benefits of the series as including policy development, estimating benefit expenditure and future benefit counts. The series under discussion has been largely stable for some time, but that stability should not be assumed to endure in an extensively reformed system. Without information about take-up, the government will not be able to predict either the expenditure or saving to be expected from a change in rules, and any projections relating to incentives to work would be unreliable.

Fourth, benefits interact. A failure to monitor the interaction of benefits (including the new Council Tax rebates) may compromise the evaluation of welfare reform.

3. Have you any other views or comments on the proposal to discontinue the statistics?

This particular series is restricted to a narrow class of benefits. There are various theoretical explanations for problems in access and takeup. They include factors such as ignorance, lack of knowledge about personal entitlement, uncertainty about personal circumstances, complexity and stigma; they have been explained in terms of thresholds, cost-benefit calculations and attitudes to benefits. Although most of the literature on the subject conventionally focuses on income-tested benefits, none of these arguments implies that the problems are distinctive and unique to these benefits as opposed to other income-tested benefits, or that they apply to income-tested benefits and not to other types of benefit. DWP research has previously considered issues in the takeup of Attendance Allowance and Disability Allowance; it will need to consider Personal Independence Payment too. HMRC issues figures for takeup for Tax Credits, which will need to be available for Universal Credit.

The assertion that scrapping the existing statistics would save the equivalent of two full time members of staff is surprising. A repeated procedure producing consistent figures over several years from established algorithms should not require the same level of staff input as a new procedure.

4. If you are not in favour of the main proposal, which if any of the options do you prefer and why?

None of the options proposed is appropriate. At a time of major reform, it becomes more important to know what is happening, not less important. Most of the benefits mentioned are due to be downgraded or replaced and neither the same range nor a reduced range is meaningful; the range must be expanded to consider the new benefits. Given the importance of the figures, this is an argument not to discontinue the series, but greatly to extend it.

Why refer to poverty as a proportion of median income?

This is the abstract of a paper I’ve just had published in the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, vol 20(2) pp 163-176 – the paper is not online yet but I have received a paper copy, so it will appear shortly.

“The most widely used indicator of poverty refers to a threshold set at 60% of median income. This paper reviews the implications of this approach and the conceptual problems it raises. The threshold relates to inequality and ‘economic distance’ rather than need. Though it was initially intended to be simple and comprehensible, the indicator causes considerable confusion, and successive refinements, including adjustments for disposable income, housing costs and equivalence, have limited the accessibility and use of the figures. Referring to median earnings would be a simpler, more practical approach.”

Sickness while unemployed

The provisions in the new regulations for people who fall sick while they are unemployed are very restrictive. People are exempt from the requirement to be available for work for “a maximum of 14 consecutive days from the date (of sickness)” or “on no more than 2 such periods in any period of 12 months.” (UC Regulations s.90 (5a))

This is not equivalent to saying that a person could be sick for 28 days in any one year – though that would still be more restrictive than the conditions applying to people in employment who claim Statutory Sick Pay. It states that a person will cease to be available for work if that person is sick for any period of more than 14 days, or has three periods of sickness in a year, regardless of their length. Someone who is sick for longer is not entitled to benefit; the same is true if their partner is sick, because these rules apply to both members of a couple. So, a person sick for three bouts of three days in a year – less than the national average for British workers – could be denied benefit. A person who is unfortunate enough to contract a long-term illness which does not lead to long-term incapacity for work, such as diabetes or heart disease, could be subject to sanctions on that account.

It does seem to me that any restrictions of this sort should be set with reference to evidence – which I don’t have – and sanctions should only be applied at the upper end.

More on the Universal Credit Regulations

I’ve been spending more time with the new regulations; there are 496 pages of documents, and I don’t claim to have grasped all the implications. In my previous post I listed several points. Looking through the regulations again, I could see three more issues.

The first concerns the relationship of National Insurance benefits to Universal Credit. While Universal Credit is in payment, it will still be possible for one or both of a couple to claim contribution-based JSA or ESA under the old rules. Notes from the DWP explain that “whilst there are no policy changes the opportunity is being taken to simplify and tidy up the existing provisions.” As these benefits have different eligibility criteria, rules for application and different time-periods for payment, the combined effects are unpredictable, and the result is a hotch-potch.

The second concerns periodicity. Universal Credit is going to be paid monthly in arrears. However, qualifying conditions are generally expressed in days or weeks. The work capacity assessment and availability are subject to weekly earnings (37(2), 80(2), 86(1)); part time work is defined in hours per week (37(6), 80(3), 81); sanctions are expressed in days. Rent free weeks are still being averaged out across a year, so that most people in social housing will not get a rent allowance based on their actual rent.

The third is the extent of discretion. The words “reasonable” or “unreasonable” occur 45 times in the UC draft regulations and 17 times more in the payment regulations. It is difficult to see how this level of administrative discretion can be sustained without an adequate system for redress and appeal.

Housing Benefit – who claims?

I’ve twice this week heard the slightly confused claim that only one in eight people on Housing Benefit is unemployed. It’s true that Housing Benefit is not an “out of work” benefit; it works much more like Tax Credits (which were designed on similar principles). It’s also true that fairly few people in the system are formally unemployed. However, that doesn’t give us a good description of what actually happens

There are 5,005,000 claimants. The figures for February 2012 identify

1,175,000 claimants on Income Support – mainly people with disabilities and lone parents
659,000 on income-related JSA
371,000 on ESA
1,067,000 on Pension Credit, and
878,000 in employment.

From other figures (including the budget statistics) we know that there are 3,366,000 claimants of working age. If we take away those who are working, we are left with 2,488,000 people on the so-called “out of work” benefits. That includes, of course, far more people who are disabled or incapacitated than those who are jobless.

It helps to round out the figures, because the dates of the figures and the ways they are counted are not quite the same, but it comes to this. Five million people claim Housing Benefit. Half of them are people of working age who are not in the labour market; the other half are either pensioners or workers.

Regional variations in benefits?

It was announced, over the weekend, that the Prime Minister would be arguing for regional variations in benefits; when the speech was made, that section was dropped. The basic argument for varying benefits is that people have different needs in different places, and that benefits have different relationships to the labour market. There is already some variation in practice, because rents are set at different levels. If benefits were set at a level to meet people’s subsistence needs, there could be an argument for regional benefits; that is why the proposition might seem to some to make sense. The stumbling block is that benefits are not actually related to subsistence needs – they drifted away from that model more than thirty years ago – and they are now being redesigned to work on a completely different principle.

Universal Credit is not supposed to give people a fixed amount of benefit; it gives them a level of income that varies partly with their circumstances, and partly with the amount of work they do. The benefit is supposed to give people a clear, predictable final income that increases as their earnings increase. People who earn more are supposed to finish with more money than others – that is the whole point. If there was a regional variation, they could finish with less. The effect of giving people different benefits in different places would be to make final income unpredictable, especially for people who move between jobs. And because the benefit is, at root, a tax credit, it would also imply different rates of taxation for people in different parts of the country. Neither of these consequences is indefensible, but they are certainly inconsistent with what the government says it is trying to do.