Closing down my website

My website, An Introduction to Social Policy, first came online in 2000.  It has been used over that time by more than eight million people, but changing approaches to the internet have led to a decline in its use.  I have made several attempts to get someone else to take it over, without success, and after 25 years I have decided to close it down.  It will not be updated further.

The current address for the website is at; my domain expires in June, and I will not renew it.  In the course of the next couple of months, I will introduce redirects so that the material continues to be  accessible.  The material from the website will be available at

and in my university repository at

I have also made the text available as an ebook and as a paperback.  It can be found at

The printed text is (necessarily) inferior to the web version; it loses the links, the cross references, many of the graphic images and the direct access to supplementary material.

I will continue to blog at and my open access papers are available at the same address.

Paul Spicker

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